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Coronavirus, Covid-19, Pure, Lawful Foods

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - CDC 

COVID-19 & Boosters 

Praise be to Allah and be thankful to Allah Almighty that, we are Muslims and we try to distinguish between legitimate and unlawful food and drink. We must differentiate between lawful and unlawful earnings. Allah Almighty has declared many things in food and drink as unlawful.

'Why do bats eat when God (Allah Almighty) has made so many legitimate animals to eat?' 

healthy food

Unlawful and Forbidden Animals:

These include pigs, wine, bats, rats, donkeys, horses, dogs, cats, crows, eagles, vultures, and many more. As Muslims, we have to follow the divine commandments, and as human beings, it is our first duty to do research and informs others.

“O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on earth, and follow not the footsteps of Satan. Verily, he is to you an open enemy”. (Chapter: 2:168).

If you consider the above verse, it is addressed to all human beings. These commands of Allah Almighty are obligatory not only on Muslims but also on people belonging to other religions. Because He who created us has infinitely more knowledge than we do.

“Should not He Who created know? And He is the Most Kind and Courteous (to His slaves), the Well-Acquainted (with everything)”. (Quran Chapter: 67:14).

As you know, the coronavirus that started in China has disturbed the entire world. Today, the whole world is worried about the deadly Coronavirus. The World Health Organization has issued guidelines to many countries on the issue of coronavirus and has done so.

This deadly virus has spread to many countries. So far, millions of people have died from this deadly virus, and millions are infected with this dangerous virus. However, there are also large numbers of patients who have been protected from the virus.

The virus, which began in China in 2003, is said to have first spread to cats, dogs, or other animals and then to humans, severely affecting the human respiratory system.

Experts believe that the coronavirus belongs to this family of viruses, which causes the patient to catch a cold, cough, and fever. The virus has never been seen before. It is feared that the virus, called coronavirus, can be transmitted from animals to humans and spread rapidly.

Islam is a beautiful religion, which gave humanity the consciousness to live.

“And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is an (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him). (Chapter: 17:32).”

If humanity had acted on the above verse of the Qur'an, a deadly disease like AIDS could have been avoided. Now, in the same way, the Qur'an distinguishes between lawful and unlawful for all human beings in matters such as food and marriage, so that man may live in a society where immorality and epidemics or pandemics are not reign, on the other hand, the man turned away from nature, as a result, everyone is now suffering from the deadly coronavirus.

In Pakistan, lawful food reduces the risk of spreading the coronavirus, making ablution the most effective means of salvation.

Lawful and pure foods have good effects on human health and life. Forbidden and unclean goods have a detrimental effect on human health.

Islam is a religion of moderation and demands from human beings only those actions, which can be tolerated. One of the virtues of Islamic teachings is that it prescribes rules and regulations for its followers to reach the evolutionary stages of worldly and otherworldly life and for self-purification and self-purification.

Islamic teachings are in harmony with human nature. These are exactly according to the structure of the human body. Unless a person abandons his desires and follows the system created by Allah, he will have to face such misery in life.

The trials that befall man in the world in general, when immorality, immorality, and injustice and cruelty begin to take place in the world, such catastrophes begin to unfold. You can get rid of it only if you follow the Book of Allah and the Hadith of the Prophet.

Allah Almighty is the Creator of this universe and our last Messenger of Allah is merciful to all humanity. [(And We have sent you (O Mohammad PBUH, not but as a mercy for the (mankind, jinn and all that exists, Chapter: 21:107), and the Holy Quran is the code of life for the entire universe, so non-Muslims can also benefit significantly from the teachings and rules of Islam.

The first duty is to abstain from unlawful things and food adultery, and the second duty is to make the best arrangements for treatment. May Allah Almighty protect human beings and all creatures of the world, including China, from calamities and epidemics? Amen!

Therefore, only by following the teachings of Islam in this regard can humanity move on the path of prosperity and success. 

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