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Smart Easy "BMI Calculator" Your Personal Health Gauge

BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator

< 18.5 18.5 - 25 25 - 30 > 30
Underweight Normal Overweight Obese

Introduction and Description - BMI Calculator

Introduction and Description

The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator is a simple yet powerful web-based tool designed to help individuals assess their body weight in relation to their height. BMI is a widely used measure that categorizes individuals into weight classifications such as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. This tool provides a quick and reliable way to calculate your BMI using your height, weight, and age, along with a visual BMI gauge to help you better understand where you stand on the BMI spectrum.

By entering a few basic details, you can gain insights into your overall health and take steps towards maintaining or achieving a healthier lifestyle.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple, clean, and intuitive design.
  • Accurate BMI Calculation: Calculates BMI using the standard formula for imperial units (height in inches and weight in pounds).
  • Visual Representation: A needle on the BMI gauge shows your BMI category.
  • Classification Information: Provides a text-based classification (e.g., Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obese).
  • Clear Functionality: Quickly reset all inputs and results for multiple calculations.

How to Use

  1. Enter Your Age: Input your age in the "Age" field. Ensure the age is between 2 and 120 for accurate results.
  2. Select Your Gender: Choose your gender by selecting either "Male" or "Female."
  3. Input Your Height: Enter your height in inches in the "Height" field.
  4. Input Your Weight: Enter your weight in pounds in the "Weight" field.
  5. Click on "Calculate": Once all the fields are filled in, click the Calculate button. Your BMI value will be displayed, along with your classification.
  6. View the BMI Gauge: Observe the needle on the BMI gauge to visually identify where your BMI falls in the weight categories.
  7. Clear for New Calculation: To perform another calculation, click the Clear button. This will reset all input fields and results.

Understanding the Results

  • BMI Value: A numerical value indicating your body mass index.
  • Classification: Indicates if you are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
  • BMI Gauge: The needle's position reflects your BMI category for easy visualization.

The BMI Calculator is an excellent tool for health-conscious individuals seeking to understand and monitor their body weight status. However, for a comprehensive health assessment, consult a healthcare professional.

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