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HTML to Text Generator

Your text will appear here...


The HTML to Text Generator is a simple and effective tool designed to convert your HTML-formatted content into plain text. With additional formatting options such as font size, color, and alignment, you can easily adjust the appearance of your text before converting it. This tool ensures that your text maintains the desired styling without any unnecessary HTML code.


·       This tool provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to:

·       Input HTML code and see a live preview of the text.

·       Customize the font size, font color, and text alignment.

·       Choose from options like bold, italic, or underline to apply to the text.

·       Generate clean, styled plain text with a click of a button, and copy it for use in any other application.

How to Use:

·       Enter HTML Code: Type or paste your HTML code into the "Enter HTML Code" text area.

·       Customize Formatting: Choose your preferred options from the following menus:

·       Format: Select Bold, Italic, or Underline.

·       Font Size: Choose a font size from the dropdown (8px to 72px).

·       Font Color: Select a font color (e.g., Red, Blue, Green).

·       Alignment: Align your text to the left, center, right, or justify.

·       Preview: As you enter the HTML code and select the formatting options, the "Preview Box" will update to show how your text will appear.

·       Generate Text: Click the Generate Text button to convert your HTML to plain text with the selected styles.

·       Clear Fields: Use the Clear button to reset all fields and start over.

Enjoy easy text conversion with enhanced customization!

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