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Face masks and ventilation are more effective in preventing the spread of covid

Masks, ventilation stop COVID spread better than social distancing, research shows

The use of face masks in schools, colleges besides universities and good ventilation systems are more important than social distance to prevent the spread of covid 19 through the air.

This was revealed in a medical study conducted in the United States. (Click here for detail). 

covid sanitizer mask

Research from the University of Central Florida has shown that a social distance of 6 feet are not required to prevent the spread of the virus through the air when the use of a face mask is required.

The researchers said the study was important because it guided how to ensure the safety of students within the confines of educational institutions.

He added that the results indicate that the reduction in the spread of the disease with face masks is no less than the increase in social distance, which shows the importance of mandatory use of face masks in schools and other places.

For In this research, scientists developed a computer model of a classroom with students and a teacher and estimated the spread of the virus through the air by modeling the airflow and the spread of the disease.

The researchers analyzed these models in a classroom with adequate ventilation and poor drainage.

The results showed that the use of face masks is useful to avoid airborne particles.

Similarly, the risk of covid in a well-ventilated room is reduced by 40 to 50 percent because of the constant flow of air in such rooms. 

The researchers said that the use of face masks does not increase the risk of disease from a social distance of 3 feet and these findings could be applied to schools and businesses.

He added that the use of ventilation systems and face masks are essential for the spread of the virus.

The study was published in the medical journal Physics of Florida.

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