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Rights and Privileges for Persons with Disabilities, an Islamic Perspective


f all the religions of the world and religions are studied, then their teachings contain indications or clear methods for the prevention of the needy, the deprived, the destitute, and any kind of disability and need. 

The teachings of the world religions may not contain words for the disabled or handicapped or may not directly mention such people but their teachings may be for the welfare and care of the deprived and the welfare of the victims of various calamities. There are clear commands. 


Disabilities Rights 

The part of human society that has been neglected in this age of materialism is known as the "disabled." This class of society includes those who have lagged behind in the pace of time and the race of life due to their physical chronic and innate compulsions. People with visual impairment, hearing loss, paralysis, mental retardation, or chronic disease are generally considered to be involved. 

The religion of Islam that teaches us respect for humanity is free from discrimination of color, race, religion, and nationality. Respect for man is not due to his color, race, family, or religion, but respect for humanity is due to his being human and pious and pious. 

The part of human society that has been neglected in this age of materialism. They are disabled and helpless people, they are the people in this class of society who are left behind in the race of time and life due to their physical, chronic, and congenital compulsions. People with visual impairment, hearing loss, paralysis, mental retardation, or chronic disease are generally considered to be involved. 

A Brief History of the Disability Rights Movement in the United States (source, 

Disabilities Rights Movement 

Disabled as Identity 

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not directly address discrimination based on disability, but its protection of color and discrimination against women of color provided a basis for subsequent disability rights campaigns. 

Disabilities Rights Act

Direct action was increased because people with disabilities began to see themselves as an identity - they could be proud of one. Despite their different individual needs, people quickly worked together and acknowledged that it was not their physical or mental disability that left them behind, but there was no denial from society according to them. 

Independent Leader Movement 

Ed Roberts, the first wheelchair user to attend the University of California at Berkeley, founded the Berkeley Center Independent Leader in 1972. It promoted the Independent Leadership Movement, in which workers insisted that people with disabilities had the right to live freely. 

This was increasingly supported by legislation, but government and private companies were also slow to get on board. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 has made organizations illegal to discriminate against illegal people. 

But Health, Education, and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano refused to sign protests until 1977 across the country and within a month. The office, in which more than one person participated, stressed the issue. 

The Right to Work 

The first step taken by the United States government to protect the rights of persons with disabilities came in 1918 when thousands of soldiers returned from being injured or disabled. Smith - The Sear Veterans Rehabilitation Act guarantees that these men will help them recover and return to work. 

However, people with disabilities are still considered for jobs. In 1935, a group of workers in New York City formed the Physically Handicapped League to demonstrate the work development administration (WPI), because people who are physically handicapped "PH" (" Were related to "for the physically handicapped". A series of them sitting, this process was abandoned. 

Following lobbying by the American Federation of the Physically Handicapped in 1945, President Truman renamed the first week of October each year National Disability Week (it later became National Disability Employment Awareness Month). 

Paralympic Games 

The United States is ideal for the rights of persons with disabilities where there are laws that guarantee them access to public education, buildings, and means of transportation. The United States also plays a leading role in the Paralympic movement. 

According to the United Nations Charter (Rights for Persons with Disabilities), a person is disabled. Who has a long-term physical or mental weakness and is an obstacle to play a role in society. 

Disabilities Human Rights

People with disabilities are part of society, the culture of deprivation must be eradicated. 

People with disabilities are an important part of any society and have the right to live their lives as well as any other citizen. This class has been dubbed "special people" all over the world to end their sense of deprivation, but it is not enough to just give them this name, they need special measures in the true sense of the word. 

International human rights law guarantees all the basic rights of persons with disabilities, while our national law also provides special privileges for persons with disabilities. 

The National Rehabilitation and Employment for the Disabled Act 1981 included a 2% quota in jobs for persons with disabilities, free medical treatment, and rehabilitation measures for their limbs. 50% fee waiver in private institutions and provision of employment are also part of this law. 

We complain that when the government took steps for the disabled, it did not consult people with disabilities and that is why these measures did not yield the desired results. 

The government has been advertising for the treatment of the disabled, reduction of fares, and other facilities, but in reality, no action has been taken. Free treatment facilities are a thing of the past, there are no separate counters in hospitals for the disabled. Similarly, even a 50% reduction in fares is not being implemented anywhere, but travel has become a torment for the disabled. 

Unfortunately, no government has allocated any money in the budget for persons with disabilities which is a violation of basic human rights.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol (A/RES/61/106) was adopted on 13 December 2006 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and was opened for signature on 30 March 2007. 

There were 82 signatories to the Convention, 44 signatories to the Optional Protocol, and 1 ratification of the Convention. This is the highest number of signatories in history to a UN Convention on its opening day. 

It is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st century and is the first human rights convention to be open for signature by regional integration organizations. The Convention entered into force on 3 May 2008. 

The Convention follows decades of work by the United Nations to change attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities. It takes to a new height the movement from viewing persons with disabilities as “objects”  of charity, medical treatment, and social protection towards viewing persons with disabilities as “subjects” with rights, who are capable of claiming those rights and making decisions for their lives based on their free and informed consent as well as being active members of society. 

The Convention is intended as a human rights instrument with an explicit, social development dimension. It adopts a broad categorization of persons with disabilities and reaffirms that all persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. 

It clarifies and qualifies how all categories of rights apply to persons with disabilities and identifies areas where adaptations have to be made for persons with disabilities to effectively exercise their rights and areas where their rights have been violated, and where protection of rights must be reinforced. 

The Convention was negotiated during eight sessions of an Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly from 2002 to 2006, making it the fastest negotiated human rights treaty. 

Islamic Perspectives about Person with Disabilities 

In this universe, Islam is the only religion whose teachings and instructions are perfect and complete, and Islam is the only religion on earth that is the Messiah of all humanity, including the disabled. 

Islam has clearly stated the various rights and privileges of persons with disabilities. Islam does not impose any economic burden on people with disabilities, it keeps them free from the confusion of earning a living. 

Thus, there is a wave of sympathy for this class all over the world. A global body is regularly considered to be their guardian, but the fact remains that this section of society, which deserves so much sympathy and attention, is currently suffering from deprivation in practice. 

The problem of this class cannot be solved by temporary measures. Strong strategies and long-lasting measures are essential for their permanent solution. 

However, compassion for the disabled is a requirement of human nature. But only Islam has turned this sentiment in the right direction, explaining the various rights and privileges of the disabled. 

A significant portion of Islamic law is devoted to their rights. Below, the economic, social, religious, political, and military rights and privileges of persons with disabilities are discussed in some detail from an Islamic point of view. 

Financial Rights and Benefits 

Islam does not impose any economic burden on people with disabilities, it keeps them free from the confusion of earning a living. 

Second Caliph of Islam Hazrat Omar (May Allah be pleased with Him) saw an old blind man begging at a door. When he found out that he was a Jew, he asked him: What brought you to this state? He replied: Jizyah (some kind of Tax), basic needs, and old age. 

Omar took his hand and took him to his house and gave him enough to meet the needs of the time, then he sent word to the treasurer of the treasury that as you look at other people, by God, it is not fair for us to eat the earnings of his youth and drive him away in his old age. 

Hazrat Omar (May Allah be pleased with Him) acquitted this person and others like him. When you traveled to Damascus, you passed a town where some Christians had leprosy. 

He ordered that they be assisted in the form of Zakat (Obligatory payment made annually under Islamic law on certain kinds of property and used for charitable and religious purposes) and the food allowance be issued to them. 

Social Rights and Privileges of Persons with Disabilities in Islam 

Among the religions of the world, the religion of Islam has a unique position in giving every rightful owner his full right, but also in determining the rights of every section of humanity with full consideration. 

Islam is its example because Islam the law of the world does not revolve around a single class, but in its rules and regulations, the rights of the perfect creation have been observed. 

The rights of persons with disabilities have been taken into consideration without any discrimination. They have not been neglected in any way. If society forgets its responsibilities and deprives persons with disabilities of their rights, it will be negligence and misconduct. 

While Islam has not only taken full care of the rights of the disabled but has also laid full emphasis on the payment of their rights. 

Social Value and Right to Dignity 

If we take a closer look at our society, most of us have suffered a moral decline in the rights of persons with disabilities, mocking the disabled and making them realize their disability. 

Embarrassment has become commonplace, such as calling a disabled person blind, lame, squinty, and lame according to their disability. It has become our social culture and it is not only immoral but also illegal and unnatural. 

Islam encouraged people with disabilities to live in a collective society instead of living in isolated cosmopolitanism, assigned appropriate social work to their place and status, and protected them from feeling inferior and suffering from social stigma. 

People with disabilities have a right to government: People with disabilities are not only entitled to pity but also have rights over the government, for example, the government should provide them with education and training according to their disability. 

Hazrat Omar Farooq Azam, the second caliph of Islam, was once feeding the people when he saw a man eating with his left hand and he instructed him to eat with his right hand. When he saw him eating with his hands, Omar warned him again, but when this happened for the third time, the man said that his right hand had been cut off in the battle of Motah. 

So Hazrat Omar starts crying when you hear this and ask for details about meeting the needs and then arrange for it an employee and a ride as well as the necessities of life. (The book of relics of Imam Abu Yusuf). 

It is clear from this tradition that the government must take steps to meet the needs of persons with disabilities and the government mustn't fail to take care of the needs of persons with disabilities. 

Religious Rights and Privileges 

For many of the acts of worship that require physical exertion, Islam has either excluded the disabled at all or suggested alternatives to them. People with disabilities are exempted from the obligatory attendance of Fridays and congregations. 

If they are wealthy but are disabled and helpless, then another person can perform Hajj in return for the obligation of Hajj, which is called Hajj substitution. These disabled people are also exempted from Jihad (extreme struggle or fight). 

Therefore, in our daily routine, we must take some steps for the welfare and support of people with disabilities and we should not ignore them as suspended members of society. 

Today, the world powers and the claimants of the rights of the disabled are intoxicated with their power, destroying not only the slums but also the country. Rather, they destroy future generations through the use of deadly chemical weapons. 

They are providing the means to increase the population of the disabled. The rational, the poor, and the micro-warriors are left wondering how to justify this discrepancy in their words and deeds.
Islam is the only religion in this universe whose teachings and instructions are completely free from the seeds of contradiction and hypocrisy and Islam is the only religion on earth that is the Messiah of all humanity including the disabled people. 

The Right to Support the Disabled People 

Wealthy people are required to provide financial and social support to the disabled, such as the blind with a cane, and those without one or both legs in need of a crutch or a wheelchair. 

In the same way, it is the responsibility of the rich and the disabled to provide facilities and assistance to the needy according to their needs. 

Therefore, it is stated in the Qur'an 

And in their wealth, there was a right for one who asks and for one who is deprived. (Quran, Chapter:51:19-Surah Adh-Dhariyat Verse 19). 

Similarly, persons with disabilities are exempted from certain Shari'ah and social obligations, such as the blind, the sick, and the physically handicapped, who are exempted from participating in wars. The exemption will be granted for any liability for which their disability will interfere. 

In the light of the above, it has become clear how important and clear the rights of persons with disabilities are from the absolute Islamic point of view. They should not be ignored as a burden on society. 

Disability Rights: Islam, the West, and Pakistan 

Protecting the public welfare and rights is one of the primary responsibilities of any welfare state. In a welfare state, the ruler ensures the provision of basic needs of the people, such as education, health, employment, etc. 

Providing basic services to all these weaker sections of the society, especially the disabled, and making them useful members of the society is also considered the most important duty of a welfare state. 

Islam gives us the idea of a perfect welfare state. 1400 years ago, the Holy Prophet laid the foundation of a welfare state in Madinah (the city in Saudi Arabia) in the light of divine commands, in which the rulers of the time were accountable to the people and the observance of human rights was the primary responsibility of the government. 

Western nations are taking several steps to make people with disabilities active and useful citizens of the country through social inclusion, education for people with disabilities, provision of services, and non-discriminatory laws. 

Today, developed countries have enacted non-discriminatory laws to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, but unfortunately in our country, firstly, there is no law regarding the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, and secondly, if there is an act, Is not being implemented at all. 

The law is being implemented in government institutions to some extent, but the private sector is not implementing it at all. There is no monitoring system at the government level that reprimands private companies for violating the law and imposes heavy fines. 

Previous Census in Pakistan 1998 

According to the 1998 census, 2.49% of the total population of the country was persons with disabilities, but unfortunately, the number of persons with disabilities has increased due to ongoing terrorism, natural disasters, and traffic accidents in the country. 

UN World Health Organization 

According to a World Health Organization survey, people with disabilities make up 10 percent of Pakistan's total population, so legislation to protect the rights of people with disabilities in the country has become imperative. 

In the golden age of Islam, the mosque was the largest gathering place for Muslims. At that time, the mosque was dedicated to religious education and social and economic ties. 

Accessibility for People with Disabilities 

In developed countries, community-level institutions, along with the government, play an important role in making people with disabilities active members of society. As a result, there will be accessible transport for the disabled on the roads. 

In such countries, every building is constructed with special facilities so that the disabled do not have to suffer any hardship or difficulty. Therefore, accessible pathways for the disabled are created in every building. With the help of elevators and damps everywhere, people with disabilities are always active in society. 

Unfortunately, in our country, public transport such as vans, buses, and trains is inaccessible to people with disabilities. Even in the 21st century, there are rarely any government buildings with damps, elevators, accessible toilets, tactile maps, and sign language banners in our country. 

In this way, people with disabilities are confined to their homes and cut off from all forms of social and economic activity. 

Supplies of Servant for Person with Disabilities 

In the time of Hazrat Omar Farooq, the second caliph of Islam, a man was eating with his left hand, to which he inquired. The man told Hazrat Omar Farooq that his right arm had been cut off in a battle, so he was forced to eat with his left hand. 

Hazrat Omar Farooq immediately provided a servant for that person and fixed the stipend of that servant i.e. the monthly salary from the treasury. 

In many Western countries, people with severe disabilities who are unable to perform their personal tasks, such as changing clothes, going to the toilet, washing their hands and face, etc., are provided with all kinds of assistance by the staff assigned to disability rehabilitation institutions. 

The salaries of these servants are paid by the government. Even people with severe disabilities strive to be financially stable instead of being a burden to society because of the convenience of servants. Employment of non-disabled and healthy people as servants is also arranged. 

Education for Persons with Disabilities 

In Pakistan, education and training for children with disabilities are arranged in specialized educational institutions, but the scope of these institutions is limited to major cities. Lack of education in small towns and remote villages deprives children with disabilities of the opportunity to hone their immense potential. 

In this way, those children are forced to become dysfunctional members of society, although somewhere these children must have the ability to become one or another part of the machine of society. And live with dignity in a civilized society. 

The criteria for appointment in special educational institutions are MA, M.Ed, and B.Ed Special Education. Special education educates teachers about the problems of children with disabilities, but they do not specialize in difficult subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, English, and mathematics, ie teachers are not subject specialists. 

As a result, the educational attainment of children with disabilities studying in these institutions is low. There is also a severe shortage of specialists in these institutions who can guide the children as to which field they should choose for future employment according to their disability. 

A welfare society is formed when all members of society begin to receive their rights without discrimination. Society is divided into groups based on gender, age, poverty, wealth, and disability. 

Today, Western nations are abiding by the golden principles of Islam and upholding the rights of persons with disabilities. I don't know when the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will uphold Islamic rights.

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