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The most special features of WhatsApp on the iPhone

The most special features of WhatsApp can only be used on the iPhone. 

WhatsApp, a globally popular messaging application, is constantly changing features for Android, iPhone, and Windows, and users are constantly receiving updates, but WhatsApp also has a few such features. 

Which can only be used on iPhone. If you are an iPhone user, you can see any notifications available on WhatsApp from any individual or group. 

For this, you have to hold down the incoming message and the message will open in front of you, and as soon as you remove the finger the message will take the form of notification again. 

iPhone Hidden tricks that will change the way you use iOS. 

whatsapp, new feature, iPhone,

Most Special Feature in iPhone

This way the sender will not even identify that you have read the message. In addition, if a user deletes a message or a sent media file for everyone, then that save file is also deleted from the gallery. 

But if you are an iPhone user, this message will not be deleted from you, the iPhone user can also blur the image and this feature can be used through the drawing editor. 

Incredible Things Your iPhone Can Do 

Also, if you are an iPhone user, you can listen to voice messages without knowing the sender. For this, you have to hold down the incoming message and you will easily hear the message which will not be known to the sender. 

Another unique feature in the iPhone is to crop the video just like the picture, the iPhone user can crop the video before sending it to anyone.

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