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Science Leuven Scholarships for International Students 2022-23

Science Leuven Scholarships for International Students 2022-23


General information



Motivated and talented international students interested in participating in an international master's program of the Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven are invited to apply for a scholarship.

For the following masters you can apply for the Scholarship:

(Only students applying for the specialization Geodynamics and Georesources or Surface processes and Paleoenvironments can apply for the scholarship.  Students applying for the other specializations (enrollment at Ghent University) will not be considered for the scholarship.)


Students applying for the QASS-programme of the Master of Statistics are excluded from the Science@Leuven Scholarship since this program requires a master's diploma.

Do not apply for the Scholarship if you are interested in another Master's Programme.  Your application will not be considered. 



The amount of the scholarship can be up to 10.000 Euro for 1 year. The Board of the Science@Leuven Fund will decide exactly how much a scholarship will be. The scholarship will always cover the tuition fee for 1 year, the insurance, and basic health insurance coverage. The amount awarded for living expenses can vary. 

If a student is awarded a full scholarship of 10.000 euros, it is still advisable to bring some extra money.  Here you can find an overview of living costs in Belgium. 

Most master programs of the Faculty of Science are two-year programs. The scholarship for the second master's year will only be continued on the condition that the student had outstanding results the first master's year.


Application Requirements:


Applicants have to apply for the Master's program of their choice through the application tool of the KU Leuven. You will need to upload a screenshot that you successfully submitted the application for admissions when you register on the website of scholarship.


Only applications that have been submitted (with the International Office and registered on the website of the scholarship) before 15 February 2022 will be considered for the scholarship.


It is important to read the scholarship application page and visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


For more information please visit the below website:


Website: Official Scholarship Website

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