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Protein formulations to treat diabetes and obesity Swell1 SN-401

American scientists have developed a protein that can cure diabetes and obesity at the same time. Its successful initial trials on mice have also been completed.

Small molecule SWELL1 complex induction improves glycemic control and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in murine Type 2 diabetes.

According to media reports, Dr. Rajan Saha and colleagues at the University of Washington School of Medicine, while researching a protein called Swell-1, found that it can cause a variety of conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, fat accumulation in the liver, and obesity. Helps to get rid of, which is collectively called metabolic syndrome. Scientists have modified the southern protein to form a new protein, SN401, which is better than Swell1 in eliminating metabolic syndrome, especially diabetes and obesity.

In experiments on rats, SN401 performed tremendously, improving the pancreatic insulin secretion and reducing body fat, as well as improving the overall health of diabetic and obese rats. Dr. Rajan also set up a startup company in collaboration with the University of Washington to introduce SN401 and other synthetic proteins of this nature as medicine.

It should be noted that the number of people suffering from obesity and diabetes is increasing rapidly in the world and it is feared that if this situation is not addressed as soon as possible, it will become one of the deadliest diseases in the world future. However, the annual death toll could rise dramatically.

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