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Summary of Quran Chapters 14 Surah Ibrahim The Prophet Ibrahim

Summary of Quran Chapters 14 Surah Ibrahim The Prophet Ibrahim 

Like other Meccan surahs, the subject of this surah is the warning of the dreadful consequences of refuting the basic tenets of Islam. Because the polytheists of Arabia believed in Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). 

Therefore, in the first Ruku, (The term ruku — roughly translated to "passage", "periscope" or "stanza" — is also used to denote a group of thematically related verses in the Quran). before the end of the surah, his powerful supplication has been narrated, in which he has clearly petitioned Allah Almighty stating the evil of polytheism and idolatry. To protect them and their sons from idolatry. That is why this Surah is called Surah Ibrahim. 

Surah Ibrahim is related to Surah Al-Ra’d. There are many verses in these two Surahs, which are similar to some verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. In Surah Al-Ra'd, no prophet or messenger is mentioned by name. Similarly, in Surah Ibrahim, the Prophets and Messengers are mentioned in a slightly different way. In the beginning, after mentioning Prophet Moses in a few verses, all the prophets of the past are mentioned together in the plural form, while at the end, Prophet Ibrahim is mentioned briefly. For this reason, the name of this Surah is also attributed to Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH).

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