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Summary of Quran Chapter 27 (The Ants) Surah An-Naml

Summary of Quran Chapter 27 (The Ants) Surah An-Naml 

According to a tradition of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas, this surah was revealed immediately after the previous surah, Surah Ashu’ara'. Like other Meccan surahs, its theme is the affirmation of the basic beliefs of Islam and the description of the bad consequences of disbelief. Referring briefly to the events of Hazrat Musa, and Hazrat Salih (peace be upon them), it is said that their people did not obey them because they were proud of their wealth and their social status. In the same way, the infidels of Makkah were also denying the Prophet Muhammad's message due to arrogance.


surah al-naml Quran chapter 27

On the other hand, Allah Almighty with all kinds of wealth and a unique kingdom blessed Hazrat Suleiman (peace be upon him). However, this wealth and kingship did not prevent them from following the orders of Allah Almighty. Similarly, Bilqees, the queen of Sheba, was also very wealthy. Nevertheless, after the truth became clear, she immediately accepted it. In this context, the incident of Hazrat Solomon (peace be upon him) and the Queen of Saba has been described in detail in this surah, and after that, the signs of God's power spread throughout the universe have been mentioned in a very effective manner. Which proves the Oneness of Allah? Namal means (The Ants) in Arabic, and since the incident of Hazrat Suleiman (peace be upon him) is described in verse 18 of this Surah, that he passed by a valley of ants. That is why it has been named Surah Namal (The Ants).  By-Mufti Taqi Usmani (an Islamic scholar) 

Surat al-Namal is a unique surah in the entire Qur'an in that it combines the three subjects of the Meccan surahs, i.e. Al-Tazkir-e-bi-Allah (The topic of this knowledge is the creation of the universe by Allah Almighty and its creative attributes. According to this, the arguments scattered in the worlds and souls indicate the perfection of his power, his unparalleled creativity, and his eternal wisdom. Every manifestation of the universe is presented as evidence for the existence of Allah.), Messages of the Prophet and Stories of Prophets. 

Two of these articles have also appeared in the previous Surah, Surah Ashu’ara’. There, Hazrat Ibrahim is mentioned in the style of Stories of Prophets. While the rest of the surah is dominated by the color of Prophets. Compared to this, Quran Chapter (The Ants) is divided into three almost equal parts under these three topics. In it, the stories of three messengers (Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Lut, and Hazrat Salih Peace are upon all of them) are in the style of Prophets. While Hazrat Suleiman (PBUH) is mentioned in the style of Stories of the Prophet. Finally, about one-third of the surah consists of Al-Tazkir-e-bi-Allah. Dr. Israr Ahmed (an Islamic Scholar).

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