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Summary of Quran Chapter The Poet 26 Surah Ash-Shu’ara’

Summary of Quran Chapter The Poet 26 Surah Ash-Shu’ara’  

According to a hadith of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas, this Surah was revealed after the Surah Al-Waqiah The Event (Surah No. Chapter#56). This was the period of the Makkah life of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) in which the disbelievers of Makkah were vehemence opposing the invitation of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and demanding him to show miracles of their choice. 

Through this Surah, Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has also been consoled, and it has been pointed out by drawing attention to the signs of the power of Allah Almighty spread in the universe that if there is justice in one's heart and he does the truth with a sincere heart. If you want to search, then these signs of the power of Allah are enough for him to prove His Oneness. 

surah 26 ashu'ara quran chapter 26

The one does not need to look for another miracle. In this context, the incidents of the previous prophets and their ummahs have been narrated to explain this, the miracles that their nations asked for, were shown to them. But they still did not believe, and as a result, they faced divine punishment because the Sunnah of Allah Almighty is that when a nation does not believe despite seeing miracles, it is destroyed. 

On this basis, the unbelievers of Makkah are being given respite to believe with open eyes and consider the other proofs of the Oneness of God and Prophethood (Tawheed and Rasalat), instead of demanding new miracles and avoiding divine punishment. The infidels of Makkah also called Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) a soothsayer or wizard, sometimes called him a magician and sometimes called a poet. In the last ruku' of this surah, these things have been refuted, and the characteristics of priests and poets have been described, stating that none of them are found in the Last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). In this context, verses: 224 to 227 describe the characteristics of poets. For this reason, this surah has been named Ash-Shu’ara’ (The Poet).

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