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Commercial Banks are not accepting Utility Bills in Pakistan

Commercial Banks are not accepting Utility Bills 

Payments of Utility Bills or Deposit of Utility Bills in Pakistan 

Well, every year all the people, government bodies and welfare organizations celebrate the day of disabled persons with great enthusiasm but practically no one listens to the disabled people and they are not helped. Only this special day is celebrated, and events are held from time to time. I am saying all these things, that I am a disabled person. When a commercial bank will not deposit the utilities bill. So where do I go to submit the utility bill in this condition of disability? Then we become forced to pay the fine. 


Sometimes it happens that the shopkeeper does not submit the utility bill on time, due to which we often get arrears in the bill. The payment of which becomes quite difficult for us to pay at the end of the month. The government should take this issue very seriously and should not ignore this issue. State Bank ofPakistan has issued the following notification but commercial banks have not followed this order. The government should solve this problem as soon as possible for the convenience of the people. Because it will not only benefits the government but the employes of the government institutions as well. The government should improve the utility bill payment system.

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