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Summary of Quran Chapter 62, Surah Al-Jumu'ah, Friday

Summary of Quran Chapter 62, Surah Al-Jumu'ah, Friday 

The Surah As-Saff and Surah Al-Jumu'ah are closely connected, and their relationship is particularly significant because both of these chapters discuss two aspects of the mission of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The distribution of the themes of these two Surahs is such that Surah As-Saff focuses on the complementary strategy of revolution (the stage of conflict), while Surah Al-Jumu'ah discusses the foundational strategy (the stage of preparation). 

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The central theme of Surah As-Saff is the purpose of the mission of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), while the central theme of Surah Al-Jumu'ah is the inspiration behind the fundamental approach of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for achieving the objective of his mission and the completion of this great mission. 

In terms of their content, Surah Al-Jumu'ah consists of three parts. The first four verses emphasize the call to invite and prepare the men of action through the Qur'an. Following that, in the next four verses, the story of the Israelites is presented as a lesson for us behind the curtain of their reminiscences. The last three verses then discuss the philosophy of Friday prayers. 

(Late, Dr Israr Ahmed Opinion, An Islamic Scholar). 

In the first ruku' (section) of this Surah, the mission of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the objectives of his prophethood are elucidated, inviting all of humanity to believe in him. In particular, criticism is directed towards the Jews who claim to have faith in the Torah, as it contains glad tidings of the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), yet they refuse to believe in him and violate the teachings of their own scripture. 

Moving on to the second ruku', Muslims are advised not to let their commercial activities become obstacles in the worship of Allah. It is explicitly stated that all types of buying and selling are prohibited after the call to prayer on Friday. Additionally, during the time when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivers his sermon, engaging in any trade is not allowed. If worldly engagements hinder religious duties, believers are reminded that what Allah has prepared for them in the Hereafter is far better than the allurements of this world. 

Abandoning religious obligations for the sake of earning a livelihood is deemed unwise because it is Allah who provides sustenance. Hence, one should seek sustenance through obedience to Him rather than through disobedience. Since the regulations of Jumu'ah (Friday) are discussed in the second ruku', the Surah is named “Al-Jumu'ah”.

(Mufti Taqi Usmani Opinion, An Islamic Scholar).

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