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Coronavirus Update Covid-19 Pandemic Report

How Covid-19 intensified global inequality:

The effects of Covid-19 pandemic are destroying socio-economic structures around the world. Despite the death toll from the disease is less than 5%, the lockdown due to the highly contagious virus has led to millions of people losing their jobs, families losing their savings, children dropping out of school and generally our lives have changed. As we look at the harms of pandemics, one of the major problems facing the world is the rapid rise of inequality.



World Food Program (WFP):

The World Food Program (WFP), in a recent report entitled "A Plate of Food", reveals the fact that income gaps around the world are wreaking havoc on people's lives. In New York, the cost of a basic food "soup or ordinary stew" is only 0.6% of one's income. In contrast, in South Sudan, a buyer has to spend an astonishing 186% of his income. "This gap broadens the gap of inequality between people in developing countries as well as those in more affluent parts of the world," the report said.

Global Economic Condition:

The economic disaster caused by Coronavirus has affected every sector of humankind. According to recent media reports, about 1.5 million people in New York cannot afford to buy food and rely on food banks. The situation is no different in other parts of the world, with research published in the journal Food Policy showing that 76% of Indians do not have access to nutritious food, making up three out of every four people.

Everywhere around us, the socially and economically weaker sections, i.e. the economically weaker sections, etc., are suffering from pandemics. Even before Covid-19, half the world's population had little access to health and basic services, including social security and human rights measures available in developed countries. The current situation is even worse as pandemics wipe out livelihoods and expose existing deficiencies in the health and other social security sectors of developing countries.

UNDP Report:

According to UNDP figures, 55 beds, 30 doctors and 81 nurses are available for every 10,000 people in developed countries. In comparison, a less developed country has seven beds, 2.5 doctors, and six nurses for the same number of people. Even basic things like soap and clean water are comfortable for many people. According to the International Labor Organization, another 50 percent of people could lose their jobs in the next few months, and the damage to the global economy could reach 10 trillion.

In countries that do not provide unemployment benefits or insurance, workers will suffer the most due to such a sharp decline in employment. This is another bitter truth. Even in developed countries, inequality is found with all its malice. A recent report from Deloitte US shows that the blacks community is more willing to work in areas of the United States than non-Spanish, who have been locked out by the pandemic. 

See also below: 




The report says the potential consequence could be an increase in income inequality for minority communities. After the end of Covid-19, more and more money will have to be spent on short-term plans to help people access affordable and nutritious food. Governments around the world are taking steps on their own to improve the situation and take steps to eliminate inequality.

With the second wave of pandemics approaching, saving lives takes priority over economic issues. Thus, even though economic inactivity has dominated or overshadows economies around the world, sooner or later it will need to be addressed. The eradication of the Coronavirus will require a completely new arrangement of policies to address the underlying food problem facing the world's population. In this regard, developed countries must provide maximum assistance to the World Food Program, in particular. 

Coronavirus Effects differently:

Coronavirus: Covid-19 affects men and women differently:

The coronavirus affects not only people's health but also each person in many ways. But its effects on men and women are radically different. But how is it possible that a virus that is affecting everyone without distinction can affect men and women in so many different ways?

People from all walks of life are becoming seriously ill with the virus, which makes the virus indistinguishable from humans. The coronavirus is, after all, an insensitive genetic material, and it is vague.

However, the virus is affecting different people in different ways. Gender effects are manifesting in the most varied ways. Women and men are not only getting sick in different ways when they are exposed to Covid-19, but it will also have different long-term effects on their health and economic well-being.

The most astonishing difference that has been seen. Men have higher mortality rates than women.

1: One of the reasons for this is the fact that the number of 'X chromosomes' in the blood of women is double that of men, women have two and men have one.

2: One reason for the different effects of the virus may be the different lifestyles of men and women.

Covid-19 highlights economic inequalities, and in particular the differences in a society based on gender.

Fight against Coronavirus:

Do we really stand together in the fight against the coronavirus? Or all its effects are affecting the poor. For low-income people, experts need to develop models that illustrate the effects of financial hardship, so that appropriate policies can be developed for poor countries.

The second important thing is related to low-income people. That most people in poor countries with financial problems cannot save money due to low income. That is why lockdown will increase poverty, and the mortality rate will increase not because of COVID-19, but because of financial difficulties and hunger.

It is important to remember that the local situation must be taken into account before formulating any policy to combat the coronavirus. The same policies for all countries cannot be adopted indiscriminately.


All kinds of information about Covid-19 should be accessible and in different languages, even for those who are less literate or not literate at all. It should provide good quality interpretations for television announcements.

We need to help developing countries adapt to their challenges.

The protection of the underprivileged needs to benefit from the collective testing of the country's technology platforms, such as Singapore.

Now is the time for the international community to stand together and show humanity. Maybe now we will be able to treat all human beings equally in these difficult times.

Personal Experience:

Dear people, I want to share one important thing with you all. In fact, our bodies are still unaware of this deadly coronavirus. Our antibodies do not have the strength to deal with this deadly pandemic virus. Doctors often recommend injecting Steroids to combat this deadly Coronavirus. But there are also disadvantages to this injection I mean side effects of Steroid Injections that can be dangerous to the human body. Therefore, use this steroid injection as directed by the doctor.

A relative of mine-affected due to the coronavirus about five months ago. At that time he did his treatment by himself. He added “a teaspoon of turmeric in the glass of milk” and continued to use this home remedy daily and finally, he recovered. My point is, maybe you can get better with this home remedy as well. 

turmeric milk


Follow these precautions to Stay Safe---Stay Home from Coronavirus:

According to experts, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, people should wash their hands frequently with soap and use a mask, keep a social distance and in case of illness, take medicine on the advice of a doctor. The best way to control coronavirus is to practice good hygiene. 

1: Mask 

2: Soap (wash hands) 

3: Social distance


coronavirus precautions

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